Wednesday 26 September 2012

Quarterly Top 5 - Favourite Photos from July-Sept

The youngest of my 4 boys, with striking blue eyes and an almost permanent tear.

My spunky 6 year old, who I did not even ask to pose, he was just hanging out by the branch so I grabbed the camera.

Son #3 with his favourite pokemon character hat. Oshawott.

2 days before he turned two, the youngest loves puddles and had already completely wet through his shoes by walking in it.

One gorgeous and sharp eye staring straight through you.

My cool 8 yr old.
And just because he is such a spunk...

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  1. These are all so sweet - I especially like the last one.

  2. Wow!! Gorgeous eyes! These are so great.

  3. Beautiful photos of gorgeous boys.

  4. I love your photos Sophie :) They're so full of colour... Especially those beautiful blue eyes!

    Think I'll have to enrol myself into a photography course!

    Sophie xo


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