Thursday 28 February 2013

Toddler haircut in pictures.

Today I am linking up with Always Josefa for Conversations over Coffee.  The topic this month is "Conversation with my Hairdresser".

Our Hairdresser has a very bubbly personality, which let's face it, she certainly needs when dealing with our 4 boys.  She usually has to coax the 9 year old to the chair, promising she won't cut much, and she will leave the hair over his ears long.  Great for him, but I wish she could accidentally snip it all off.

The 6 year old, highly sensitive boy, is like a lucky dip with his haircut cooperation moods, you just never know what you're going to get.

Oshawott, at 4, is always ready to please and even tries to cheer up his brother.

And then you have Pichu...  (I have posted these photos before but it is so fitting for the theme!)

He was on my lap, and regardless of the capes we both ended up covered in hair, which was a great look for going out to the bakery afterwards for morning tea.  Though no one noticed, they were too busy laughing at Oshawott's request for "soiled (soy) milk please".  

Yes, that is a half smile, half grimace in the last photo, and he was very cheery at the completion of the cut and couldn't say goodbye loud or fast enough as he ran towards the door.

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