No 6am start? No excited children tugging me awake? Did they not get the memo? It was Easter!
Not quite sure of the etiquette in such a situation, I assumed that they would probably appreciate a lovely sleep in and would hate for Mummy to wake them up to show them their treats.
Right? Of course!
So Legoman and I carried on as we would on any other morning, bar school days, or soccer mornings, when Mummy runs around like a chook with her head cut off, usually looking for lost socks or library books. I had a coffee while I browsed around the interwebs, he had breakfast and watched a movie.
It was all very respectable (for once), each boy waking up, one at a time, at regular intervals, giving obsessive Mummy the opportunity to take photo's more leisurely then she normally would on such an occasion, Christmas for example. By 8am they were all awake.
Legoman, the ever helpful (when it suits him) 9 year old, was on hand to undo packaging and set up toys. Can I just say, that I am love seeing this side of him, and it really helps! The boys each get a toy, an item of clothing and a few eggs. Legoman does not like Chocolate, so I usually throw in a few lemons and an extra item for him.
How was your Easter Sunday, did you have an early start to the day?
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I am linking up with Essentially Jess for IBOT (I blog on Tuesdays), and linking again on Friday for FYBF with Grace, With Some Grace.

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