It can be one photo, or a series of photos. It's up to you!
This month I have gone through some old photos and happened to find a couple of photos of me with the boys when they were much littler. It has reaffirmed to me why I need to be 'Behind the Camera' more, as there are hardly any photos of me at all!
This is me with my now 9 year old!
Me holding Oshawott 4 years ago.
Informal family photo. Photo credit: coffee table.
Playing xBox with my then 3 children. This was taken just days after Oshawott came out of hospital after he nearly died from Whopping Cough. You can read about it here.
And here are a few that we took this month whilst stomping around Richmond.
I dropped my lens cap and in slow motion watched it roll down the bank and into the river. I had to lean down a bit less then a metre to reach it. Legoman was ready with camera in case it went pear shaped!
The linkup will be open for a month, and I would love to see what you come up with!
Grab the BTC button from my sidebar and add that to your post so we can spread the word.
I'm linking up with Wordless Wednesday here:
Trish at My Little Drummer Boys

Bree at Twinkle in the Eye

Ai at Sakura Haruka

And Grace, With Some Grace