Saturday 23 March 2013


Here are my week 12 portraits, for Che and Fidel's 52 week project.

 "A portrait (or two) of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013."

Pichu has no fear in the water, a little scary!  Autumn in full swing.

Oshawott is much more reserved in the water, he did not even let us hold him.  He was happy to stay in the little pool.  Now, show him a great big pile of Autumn leaves and he is all over that!

 Voltorb -loves- to jump!  And.. to draw!

 Legoman 'flying'.  And then giving me a very serious face at the pool.

One of my favourites from last week is gorgeous Clementine with her magical star wand.

Show every week from the 52 series:
The 52 project

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