Friday 21 September 2012

It's not a party until someone is crying.

Luckily I have plenty of 'someones' and it's a good chance it will be one of my children crying.  

It was Pichu's Birthday last week, and because he has had many months practising for his terrible twos he slid into the role with ease.  He was the fortunate recipient of 'Mummy guilt', receiving not 1, but 2 cakes!  After outsourcing Oshawott's cake a few weeks ago I had to redeem myself in the cake making department.  I also was torn between two different cakes, so when the opportunity arose to do a second cake I jumped at it.

It was school holidays and we had made plans to meet with several families for a play and BBQ at the bike park.  Seeing as it was just 2 days before Pichu's Birthday I decided to make a cake for him.  After seeing a photo of a sandcastle cake on the web somewhere I decided to have a crack at it.  Much googling of cake images later I had the design in my head and a few ideas on how to approach it.

Never one to err on the side of caution, Pichu immediately found the -only- puddle in the whole entire park and walked straight though the middle of it.  Oh well, not something I wasn't expecting after our last foray into puddle land.  Wet feet sorted he proceeded to inspect the puddle with a stick.

Pichu with his best friend, who coincidentally doubles as his arch enemy.

Voltorb in motion.

Pichu loves his sandcastle cake. 

 He loves candles even more.

Arch enemy leans in to help Pichu with his candles.

We all had a great day, the weather held out just long enough, with the wind picking up and bringing with it some rain just as we were leaving. 

Unfortunately Oshawott managed to somehow fall of the seat he was crawling along, banging his head first on the table, then on the concrete.  He split a section of his gum above his teeth and there was a fair amount of blood.  Not something he needs right now, he is still recovering from Scarlet Fever and is very pale and lacks energy. 

Yet his biggest concern was that he wouldn't be able to eat cake!

(cake number 2 photo's here!)

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  1. Wow - that cake is fantastic.
    Love Mumabulous

  2. Oh that little sad face at the beginning! Glad things looked up and what a cool cake :-)


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